Rules of The Bridlington Augustinian Society

The Rules of the Society are as follows:


  1. The Title of the Society shall be 

The Bridlington Augustinian Society

  1. The Objects of the Society

The objects of the Society shall be the encouragement amongst members of interest in all matters relating to the history of Bridlington and district, and the fostering of an awareness of all issues of antiquarian interest.

  1. Election to Membership

Any person desirous of becoming a member of the Society and having attended a meeting as a guest, shall be proposed and seconded by two members, and his or her name submitted in writing for the consideration of the Chapter.

If the person so nominated is considered eligible for membership, he Chapter in meeting assembled (no fewer than eight Chapter members being present) will then recommend to the Society that the nominated person be elected a member.

  1. Subscription

An annual subscription recommended by the Chapter and confirmed at the AGM, shall be paid by members on or after 1st September, to the funds of the Society. But no subscription shall be received from any person until such person shall have been elected to membership as in Rule 3.

Novices (under 18 years of age) duly proposed, seconded and submitted to the Chapter shall be eligible for membership on payment of a nominal subscription approved by the AGM. Members who are unable to attend regular meetings, may attend as guests for two meetings per session, on payment of a nominal annual subscription, to be decided at the AGM.

If these members wish to renew full attending membership, application must be made to the Scribe in writing.

  1. Issue of Syllabus Cards 

On payment of the Annual Subscription, a Syllabus card, which is also a receipt, shall be issued to each member. New members will also receive the Rules of the Society.

  1. Default of Payment of Subscription

If a Member has failed to pay the subscription by the date of the fourth meeting, they will be sent a reminder and if still in default by the sixth meeting of the Session, the same shall be deemed to have surrendered his or her membership.

  1. Honorary Membership 

Honorary Membership is to be regarded as an exclusive privilege and the Chapter may, at its discretion, submit the names of selected candidates who have given long and devoted service to the Society. 

 8. Attendance of Guests

Any member may introduce a Guest on two occasions. No further invitation may be extended to the same Guest during the Session. Guests must be introduced to the Prior and Scribe before signing the Visitors’ Book.

  1. Forms of Address

All questions and comments at evening meetings,  shall be addressed to the lecturer through the Lord Prior, who shall be so addressed at all times.

  1. The Chapter 

The Chapter (which is the General Committee responsible for the efficient working of the Society) shall consist of some of the Past Priors and 13 members. The 13 members will be the Prior, Sub Prior, Scribe and Bursar, who are nominated by the Chapter and confirmed at the AGM, and 9 members, who are elected at the AGM.

Nominations for the nine members, with names of Proposer and Seconder, are to be in the hands of the Scribe not less than five days before the AGM

  1. Election of Remaining Offices 

The Chapter shall meet after the AGM and fill the remaining offices from amongst the members of the Chapter.

  1. Special Meetings

Special meetings may be convened by the Chapter for which every member shall have four days notice.

  1. Alteration of Society Rules 

The Rules can only be amended at an AGM. Notice of any proposed amendment shall be in writing and in the hands of the Scribe not less than seven days before the said AGM.

Adoption of Rules 2009

These Rules were adopted at an Annual General Meeting held at the Masonic Hall, Bridlington, on

Monday 30th March 2009.