
We also have outings in the Summer which we call “Pilgrimages”, usually to places related to recent talks.

This is the very first Augustinian Pilgrimage which took place in the early 192First-Augustinian-pilgrimag0’s.






The recent Pilgrimage of 2014,  gave members a sneak preview tour of Sewerby Hall (just North of Bridlington) fresh from its make-over as a Late Victorian / Edwardian Family House as well as an enjoyable afternoon Augustinian-Pilgrimage-Sewetea with friends.






The Summer Pilgrimage of 2015 was well attended and was to the Southburn Archaeological Museum, subject of one of our recent lectures by Bill Coultard who met us on arrival . The report of the Pilgrimage can be read here

Bill also reminded us that it is now possible to view Southburn Museum details of the Museum on their webpage  http://www.samatsouthburn.com