AGM 2018

A report on our meeting held on 26th March 2018

The last meeting of the season was a brief AGM followed by a presentation by Wendy and Brian Etherington entitled, “Can you remember when?”

The AGM was a steady as you go affair. The Prior Garry Sunley reviewed the successful season from Carnaby fog busters to the dinosaur coast. He thanked those who contributed to the season’s success, not least the speaker finder Chris Gatenby, and all the members for their attendance which the Scribe Bro George Parrott reported equaled that of the previous year.

The Bursar Pam Quigley reported finances on an even keel with no need yet for an increase in subscriptions.

The Prior Garry Sunley and Sub Prior Maureen Bell were confirmed into the second year of their two year terms and nominated Chapter members were voted in. The Bursar and Scribe will also continue in office.

The first meeting of the next season will be on Monday 1st October 2018.

Following the AGM, Brian Etherington showed a series of slides of Bridlington illustrating how the town has changed in living memory. Many of us can remember the Alexandra Hotel now a new block of apartments, and Allens Store now the Prior John public house.

It is not that long ago when the Emmanuel church burnt down and was rebuilt in a modern style. Among the other featured buildings were Lloyds Hospital, the Cottage Grill, the Workhouse built in 1847, and the more recent covered walkway at the Promenades shopping centre Chapel Street entrance which seem to have been built and then removed in the blink of an eye.

Between each section of pictures Wendy Etherington entertained us with a collection of humorous anecdotes. For the philosophical she pondered the big issues of the day.  Why don’t sheep shrink in the rain? Why is “abbreviated” such a long word. And why, if flying is so safe, do you need to go to a terminal.

If you are not good with computers Wendy suggests you take Facebook on to the streets. Walk up to people and tell them what you had for breakfast and how your relationships are going. Tell people you like them and give them the thumbs up. Wendy warned though that one person who tried that was soon followed by two policemen, a private detective, and a psychiatrist.

The Prior Bro Garry Sunley asked Gillian Bapty to give the vote of thanks.  She thanked Wendy and Brian for their nostalgic pictures and the amusing interludes. It was lovely to see the old buildings in our town that has changed so much.