Christmas Evening 2023

At this time of year we look forward to celebrating Christmas and plan for a fulfilling New Year.  At the Augustinian Christmas Evening six members helped to do just this. The Scribe, Garry Sunley, acted as the Master of Ceremonies chancing some groan worthy cracker style jokes in the process.

Max Lunn looked forward to next year’s heritage open days on the theme “connections, routes, and networks” and sought ideas from members.

Sal Cooke outlined the circumstantial evidence that a lady originally from Bridlington was instrumental in the founding of the RSPB. Members’ researches have already added to the story and she urged members to join in the efforts to prove the link.

Chris Gatenby read a humorous poem about a man’s wife being his best sat nav, except for the lack of an off switch. She also read an extract form “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens about the Crachitt family Christmas dinner.

Harry Houldsworth read two poems.  The first by Marriott Edgar on the search for a “recumbent posture”, the second from 1888 eloquently recounting the drudgery of starting a long day’s work at six o’clock in the morning.

Ann Hudson chose two early humorous poems by Pam Ayres.  The first highlighted the stress and cost of the build up to Christmas. The second, “Sling another Chair Leg on the Fire Mother”, was very topical concerned with hardships and inflation.

Finally, Sub Prior Michelle Stephens, with the aid a small choir, read a piece by Winifred Holtby recalling being enchanted as a small child when carollers called at the family home on a frosty night. Winifred wrote, “I can close my eyes and see them”.

The evening ended with drinks and mince pies.